Happy Birthday ! : Hubble is 27 years old

 This April 24 marks the 27th anniversary of one of NASA's most prolific tools: the Hubble Space Telescope.  The Hubble Space Telescope is now celebrating its 27th anniversary and for the occasion it offers itself an unprecedented photo: two spiral galaxies that appear very close to one another.

This April 24 marks the 27th anniversary of one of NASA's most prolific tools: the Hubble Space Telescope.

The Hubble Space Telescope is now celebrating its 27th anniversary and for the occasion it offers itself an unprecedented photo: two spiral galaxies that appear very close to one another.

27 years ago, the Hubble Space Telescope was launched by NASA, then it was heading to an orbit point at 400 km altitude. Throughout this time, the NASA tool will have carried out more than 148 000 times around the Earth and made no less than 1.3 million observations for 141 TB of data collected.

Hubble will have opened our eyes to the deep space and made impossible observations to be made from the earth's surface. His latest discovery is symbolized in a cliché: one sees two spiral galaxies NGC 4302 and NGC 4298 which appear relatively close to one another.

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