Asked about the price of the iPhone X, Tim Cook had a response for the least unexpected ...
Tim Cook was recently invited by the weekly Barron's to speak about the iPhone X, the new terminal ultra high-end Apple.
And the boss of the apple firm has made some interesting statements. It was thus raised the question of the ability of Apple to sell a device charged more than 1150 euros. Tim Cook had one answer: "Thinking about it is the equivalent of a few coffees a week, which is cheaper than a coffee a day in some places."
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* Initial price: 798 €.
A response that takes into account that the iPhone X could be kept at least 3 years before considering replacement. And if the analogy can be surprising at first, it is particularly relevant ... An iPhone X 64 GB capacity can actually return to 1 € per day provided it remains powerful and in working condition for 3 years, which is globally the case of Apple devices that benefit, despite criticism, regular updates and good longevity.
Related:The iPhone X has already begun to cannibalize the pre-orders of the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus
But Tim Cook's statement also reveals Apple's new strategy that hopes its customers see the investments in its products as medium-term with the feeling of investing in sustainable. It is also easier to pass the price of the terminal by addressing the issue of a monthly budget than to discuss its overall price. Tim Cook also recalls that "many people pay their smartphones a month," referring specifically to the markets that operate on the basis of subsidized smartphones and associated with a mobile plan with a monthly share dedicated to the price of the terminal, which is more valuable in France since this type of offer has become marginal in favor of SIM only plans and purchases of smartphone live.
Source : Barron's
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