Netflix: patatras ... Free is back last

The relationship between Netflix and Free is unlikely to work out. Free is still listed in the performance index of the US service, and lastly for France.

For the month of August, Netflix's Internet service provider performance index had been marked by change. In the ranking, Free was no longer in the final position. With the return of September, the average flow rate for Free dropped.

Related: Netflix in HDR on new smartphones

Credited to 2.31 Mbps by Netflix, Free recovers its last place, while SFR goes back to 2.85 Mbps. Other operators also rose slightly. SFR THD (fiber and cable) retains its leading position with 3.71 Mpbs, ahead of Bouygues Telecom (3.62 Mbps) and Orange (3.37 Mbps).

Netflix's debits are average and non-cellular data rates. They were found by the video-on-demand subscription service at times of great listening.

 Recall that Free is in conflict with Netflix because of this index of performance. Although it does not reveal the overall performance of an operator's network and is limited to the Netflix case alone, Free does not want to appear there anymore and filed a complaint with the Paris Commercial Court.

Related: Netflix bloque les périphériques Android enracinés après la dernière mise à jour 

Netflix has 1.5 million subscribers in France.

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