Voyager 1: a journey that has been going on for 40 years

Voyager 1 celebrated its 40th anniversary of a journey that exceeded all expectations of NASA and the scientific community.

In 1977, NASA launched one of the most ambitious programs of its time with the Voyager 1 and 2 probes. On 20 August, Voyager 2 took off first, followed by Voyager 1 on September 5, each taking with it one a golden disc containing a selection of photos, sounds and information presenting humanity to possible extraterrestrial races.

Recently, NASA invited users to share their messages to Voyager 1. Messages of up to 60 characters will support the information recorded on the video disk located on the side of the probe. Finally, the winner will be Oliver Jenkins, a Twitter user whose message "We offer friendship through the stars. You are not alone." was selected and read at the Jet Propulsion Lab by William Shatner, the actor who took on the role of Captain Kirk in Star Trek.

In 40 years, Voyager 1 has traveled more than 21 billion kilometers, it now evolves in interstellar space at a speed close to 17 kilometers per second. As we journeyed to the confines of our system, the Voyager program supplied us with data on our planets and their moons. It is this program that allowed to photograph with precision the red spot of Jupiter or highlighted the presence of volcanoes on Io, one of its moons.

To date, Voyager 1 remains the object manufactured by the man furthest from Earth. The thermoelectric generators that supply the probes should have a decade of autonomy before they go out. The probe should then no longer be able to be returning data to the Earth. Voyager 1 should nevertheless continue its course and complete a full circle of our galaxy every 225 million years unless we collide with another object by then or be captured by an evolved living species .

Related: NASA: Before going on Mars, astronauts will spend a year around the Moon 

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