It pays an iPhone X ... with the generosity of the Net surfers

Not necessarily need to roll on gold to pay for the latest iPhone X yet charged at high price by Apple. A young Toulousain is currently buzzing on the web with his jackpot made on Leetchi.

A blogger from the Toulousaine region is currently talking about him on the web, and not necessarily good. His idea was quite simple: to launch a kitty Leetchi announcing wish to pay the last iPhone X (invoiced from 1159 € reminds) and invite community networks to donate ...

In only 24 hours, the jackpot climbs and exceeds 2000 euros ... It must be said that the message of the instigator of the project played in the pathos: "As you may know, I am in full divorce, in fact No, we did not know, a lawyer is expensive, I'm not telling you anything. Anyway, this iPhone X is splendid, but the atmosphere of the moment does not allow me to crack on. The iPhone X is announced, it is splendid, it contains almost everything I could hope for from a phone I hate to ask for help ( ...) I must admit that when I saw readers suggesting themselves to make a prize pool, and other readers respond, I was very moved.

Related: Samsung is also very pleased with the launch of the iPhone X 

If we can welcome the audacity of the Internet user, his project is now the subject of strong criticism on social networks. For some, it was above all to thank the one who has fed them videos for 10 years already while others point the finger the "need" of an iPhone X not frankly priority ...

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