Falcon Heavy: an animation of the heavy launcher with triple reusable boosters

While waiting for SpaceX's first Falcon Heavy flight in November, Elon Musk offers an animation of what should happen if all goes well.

Heavy version of the SpaceX Falcon 9 reusable launcher, Falcon Heavy will make its first flight in November. A heavy launcher amply more complicated to conceive than initially foreseen, according to Elon Musk's own admission.

To be patient, the SpaceX boss published an animation - a draft - of Falcon Heavy's take-off and the landing of its three reusable boosters (a total of 27 engines). A publication punctuated by a warning about the risks of failure ...

 This heavy launcher should allow a maximum payload of 63.8 tons or 26.7 tons in geostationary transfer orbit and 16.8 tons to Mars.

The commercial cost of a Falcon Heavy launch is $ 90 million, while it is $ 62 million for Falcon 9 at the list price for low orbit.

Related: Vega: the small European launcher places two Earth observation satellites in orbit 

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