ess than 1 French out of 2 ready to embark in the autonomous car

Safety, environment, performance ... the verdict of the French on the intelligent car.

Tribune libre by Sylvain Cazard Chief Executive Officer of VMware France

Only 43% of the French would use a vehicle capable of moving without human intervention.

The dream for three-quarters of them? A vehicle that would maintain itself automatically!
56% would not use a vehicle capable of moving without human intervention
In addition, 62% of parents would not want such a vehicle to pick up their children at school.

The autonomous car is making rapid progress, to the point of appearing as one of the main "drivers" of the development of artificial intelligence. Gartner said more than 250 million vehicles will have entered the global market by 2020, according to Gartner. In order to understand the upheaval in the arrival of such vehicles in our lives, VMware, the world leader in infrastructure Cloud, and the Opinionway survey institute conducted the survey to assess the expectations and fears of the French when using these smart cars.

Promises a priori seductive in the eyes of the French

 Security features pleased by 58% of the FrenchAt the dawn of their commercialization, the advantages offered by the so-called "intelligent" cars aroused a real interest with the French. The safety features (58%), environmental performance (39%), reduced insurance premiums (34%) and vehicle performance (29%) are among the most important. Advantages here associated more with the technical aspects of the vehicle than with the experience of the passenger.

The promise of a daily less binding for the French ... 

The promises of these vehicles prove all the more attractive in the eyes of the French that they attack their small daily disappointments. 29% of the French first expect the intelligent car to plan their itinerary. The dream for three-quarters of them? A vehicle that would maintain itself automatically! No more hassle of visits to the mechanic or garage.

... But an enthusiasm showered by the lack of mastery 

Despite these real expectations of the promises of these new technologies, the verdict of the French is without appeal: only 18% of the respondents find an interest in a vehicle that would be completely autonomous. If the improvement in the services surrounding the use of the vehicle is promising and successful, a psychological barrier emerges as soon as one approaches the idea of ​​a lack of human control of the vehicle.

"The French are open to more technology if the latter brings them more comfort, the limit being confidence in the new uses," commented Sylvain Cazard, CEO of VMware France.

The autonomous vehicle facing psychological brakes solidly anchored
 Defiance, piracy, control, lack of pleasure: more than one Frenchman in two is not ready to use a completely autonomous vehicle
 Despite an interest in an improved car, the French general public is not yet ready to use a fully autonomous vehicle: 56% would not use a vehicle capable of moving without human intervention.

For 59% of them, their fear is characterized by their lack of confidence in a self-sufficient vehicle to make the right decision. But the lack of control over the vehicle (46%), the fear of having an accident (45%), the lack of driving pleasure (41%) and the fear that the vehicle is pirated (40%).

Safety, remedy against fatigue, comfort: the elements that could make the difference

On the other hand, the 43% of French people who declared themselves ready to use an autonomous car were motivated by the prospect of less fatiguing journeys (50%), increased safety (50%), savings achieved by optimizing fuel consumption (37%), the ability to park more easily (28%), or better route planning (24%).

... but still struggling to convince in the light of everyday problems 

Particularly cautious about self-employment, the majority of parents surveyed would not have enough confidence to get their child back to school (62%), parents under 35 and women are among the most (72% and 67% respectively).

"Ensuring the security of the data exchange and a new optimal user experience is central to convince the user of the relevance of the totally autonomous car. VMware has been working for several months on technologies that keep access to the cloud and data highly secure while offering real-time analysis and consequently a service adapted to the user, "says Sylvain Cazard.

As the future of the stand-alone car is already underway, it is up to companies to demonstrate how the integration of security bricks into the system's DNA - from the datacenter where critical data is stored - Will enhance the reliability of these technologies and reassure them in a world where autonomous cars and connected cars can coexist harmoniously.

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