Super Mario Odyssey: towards an exit in November this year?

Presented very quickly by Nintendo at the beginning of this year at the same time as its Switch, Super Mario Odyssey could be released as of November this year.

It is a rumor that already seduces the owners of Switch: Super Mario Odyssey could thus be marketed as of November 2017. The title had made sensation during its presentation with the machine of Nintendo, notably by very successful graphics and a Environment that was promising.

It is a rumor that already seduces the owners of Switch: Super Mario Odyssey could thus be marketed as of November 2017. The title had made sensation during its presentation with the machine of Nintendo, notably by very successful graphics and a Environment that was promising.

Nintendo could count on its fetish plumber to restore momentum to the sales of his console just before the holiday season. Moreover, it is the release of the title that could also have motivated Nintendo to increase the production of the Switch as recently indicated by the Financial Times.

The month of November also matches with Thanksgiving and the famous black friday ... Nintendo could therefore take advantage of this week of buying fever to place its Switch and its new franchise forward and realize a nice operation.

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