Long before he wanted to colonize Mars, man will undoubtedly settle on the moon. And in this crucial step to missions to explore the distant space, Europe and China could go hand in hand.
For several years, experts in space exploration have agreed on a subject: the Moon is probably the best option to extend the scope of our missions. Clearly, the Moon is an ideal starting point for remote missions.
Our natural satellite could soon become the first port of call for other planets. But as such, it will be necessary to install a base to accommodate personnel and equipment. In this sense, Europe and China have announced their willingness to join forces for the creation of a lunar outpost.
Tian Yulong, general secretary of the Chinese space agency confirmed that the country was aiming to install a base on the moon before considering travel to Mars. The Chinese space program on this specific theme seems already well advanced, and Europe could therefore support it to speed it up and bring some expertise.
Part of this program could be financed by the organization of space tourism: travel or stays on the Moon could thus provide the necessary capital for the acceleration of programs.
By the end of the year, China will have completed a new lunar mission to collect soil samples. In 2018, China will also explore the hidden side of the Moon using a robotic probe. ESA should participate in the analysis of samples taken and brought back to Earth, and engage more sustainably with China on lunar missions.
suivre Dhaouadi Aymensur

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